Sunday, 31 October 2010

Trick or Treat?

Happy Halloween everyone!

It's been a while since my last blog, due to my laptop trying to conk out on me :( but it's all been wiped and re-installed and lots of hours/downloads later it's all good!

I've finally (after about 2 weeks) got rid of the lurgy and my sugars are now more regular and starting to behave themselves again. Although I think the clocks going back might cause a blip or two...

Starting to look at my diet now and how I can improve my fruit & veg intake. I've never been a healthy eater but I never overload my plate or snack 24/7 I'm just not a fruit & veg fan :D

Now I'm doing more exercise and trying not to gain weight again, I need to improve my diet to shift a few extra pounds over the next few months. Especially with Christmas coming up! I've found some great recipes on the Diabetes UK Recipe site which I shall be trying out over the next few weeks along with monitoring my sugars and posting the results for you guys to see!

It's now less than 2 weeks until the Diabetes Support Forum meet in London for the forum's second birthday. It'll be my first one and I'm getting very excited about meeting the people who have helped me over the past few months! There's also a brill online t-shirt shop for Diabetics which I'm going to be using soon so I can wear one to the meet :)

Awesome Diabetic Tees!  <<< go have a look

A few busy weekends ahead of me, with the meet and going to see Jethro then Ross Noble. It's always fun going to a comedy gig when you don't know if the comedians going to do a Ken Dodd on you, especially when I do my Lantus around 10-10.30 XD I think I'm just going to have to inject during the intervals whenever they are, fingers crossed they fancy a breather between 9 and 10pm!

Anyway folks have a great Halloween, not long till bonfire night now!



Scully said...

OMG those T-Shirs are hilarious! I want to buy a whole bunch of them! Darn over-seas costs!

Anonymous said...

There's free delivery on all orders until the 14th of November. No overseas costs :-)

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