Saturday, 28 May 2011

DSMA May Blog Carnival - Type Awesome!

As a PWD you soon find out who your Type 3 (Type Awesome) people are. Unfortunately you'll get some surprises along the way as the people you thought you could rely on, aren't so awesome after all. It can get pretty lonely but hang in there because you'll then find the truly awesome ones!

My parents have been pretty awesome since my DX, but especially over the past couple of weeks during our holiday (which I'll be blogging about soon). I struggled a lot with the D and they were great despite the snapping and crying. They were particularly great even when I asked them to hit me over the head with a shovel and have done with it! (I'd given 2 corrections and was still over 15mmol).

My BFF Amy is also 100% Type Awesome and our funniest day with D was definately the forum meet back in April. Amy has always been very inquisitive about D and everytime we're out she always looks at me and says "what you on?". So in a room full of people testing their blood sugar I could see she was dying to ask. Not wanting her to feel left out I said do you wanna test yours. She got the result of 4mmol and said "Ooh I think I might need a jelly bean!" :D

This post is my May entry in the DSMA Blog Carnival. If you’d like to participate too, you can get all of the information at


Meagan said...

Sometimes you do everything right and those darn sugars still won't fall into line. I'm afraid if I asked someone here to hit me with a shovel, they might eagerly take me up on it! :) Great post, I'm so glad you have people that "get it" in your life too. That makes such a difference! :D

Sue Rericha said...

I love the jelly bean comment. It made me snicker. My husband is my ultimate Type Awesome. Glad you have some people in your life that you can lean on!

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