Sunday, 25 September 2011

PDAC Adjusting Course Day Three

I can't believe my four weeks is up tomorrow. It's gone far too quickly!
It's been brilliant spending every Monday with other PWD. Talking about our highs and lows during the past week, the changes we're making and what we are learning from this whole experience is great. I don't feel like I'm boring people with my D because we're all in the same boat.

It was a full house on Monday which was great. We could all catch up again and find out how we are getting on. As mentioned in my previous posts, a couple of us (myself included) are already carb counting, so it's been great watching those who haven't, managing to conquer the D and getting the readings they've been wanting for a long time (especially as a couple are in pursuit of a pump!).

Since starting the course I have noticed that my levels are stabilising throughout the day, the above 10 results are still there (and always will be, especially during certain days) but are becoming less frequent. I'm adding up my carbs a little more too, whereas before I'd always round up. Sometimes it worked perfectly, and others.. well, it didn't. Now I'm doing more sums, it's still a little rough but I have reduced some meals by a unit or two of insulin.

Another thing I've gained from going on the course ,and recent fundraising for a local dog rescue charity, is the inspiration to do some fundraising myself for DUK next year. I can't promise a skydive or a marathon! But I'll have a go at something :)

With various things going on this week has been a bit of a struggle, particularly over the last few days, with hypo's. A combination of walking and not reducing my insulin enough has meant me battling lows, and also waking up in th early hours this morning with a 3.3mmol.

It brought up a sore point with my meter, as I felt lower than that. If I've ever had night hypo's where I've woken up sweating and shaking I've been in the 2s. I know that meters aren't exact and have a certain 'range' which isn't helpful when you don't really know how low you are. Lows that don't budge, and night-time lows are the ones that get to me. Over sensitive, emotional, quiet. Useless.


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